Australian Holistic Management Co-operative

Our Services

AHMC services enable thriving lives and landscape. Our core activity is ecological monitoring using the scientific protocol of Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) to measure trends in land health. Positive trends can lead to Land to Market branding. We also offer free and concession-cost support and mentoring programs, and bring together a community of like-minded people improving their landscape health through Holistic Management. See the links below for more information.

EOV Monitoring

Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) is annual ecological monitoring of land, with a digital report and review so members learn how to maintain or improve their landscape health and function.

The EOV program includes third party verification of changes in your land's health: learn more about EOV and apply here.

Land to Market
Cow and sheep

Land to Market (L2M) is a seal for your value-added products for consumers, wholesalers or the marketplace. To access the seal your land must be verified 'Regenerating' as part of the annual ecological monitoring our EOV program provides. This third party verification is backed up with a chain of custody and your EOV report, to prevent greenwashing. More about Land to Market.

Support & Mentoring

AHMC members have diverse lives and experiences, but are all like-minded people making an effort to improve their land.

Member benefits include webinars, face-to-face workshops and on-farm Field Days. Events are free or offer member discounts, with great opportunities to learn more about Holistic Management and network with others.


You're not alone: we feature member stories and events through Facebook and Instagram, and send out newsletters on regenerative activities.

The Co-op is a Hub of the world-wide Savory Institute, so members become part of a growing global community of regenerative farmers, and also receive discounts on Savory books and media.

 Australian Holistic Management Cooperative